Posts Tagged With: paranormal & urban fantasy


fireplace in the room panelled in wood

Hi there!  I’m Roxy Wilson, your friendly neighborhood bestselling romance author!  My specialty is writing Contemporary and Paranormal Romance, often touched with a bit of mystery and suspense.  It is, indeed, a pleasure to be invited by Kiru Taye, Nana Prah and Empi Baryeh to participate in this year’s Color of Love Giveaway & Blog Hop.  Thanks ladies!

Occasionally, I’ve heard readers complain about the lack of diversity in romance novels, but this is not necessarily true–at least, not in recent years.  With the likes of authors such as Lena Hart, Sharon Cooper, Laurel Cremant, among others, you’ll be sure to meet a plethora of heroes and heroines who are people of color, who love hard and face some awesome challenges, just like every other couple in the land of make believe and even reality do.

So, who is Roxy Wilson?  I’m glad you asked (lol).  I’m a Caribbean girl, who launched her writing career in 2009, but who began writing romance in 2012.  I was later published in 2013, and have had many bestselling titles since then. Check out Amazon’s Roxy Wilson Page to see a list of my books.

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Interested in winning over $200 worth of prizes?  Then click here to enter the rafflecopter.

And check out the other wonderful authors and bloggers who are also participating in this year’s blog hop



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Fur-Ever Yours (The Protectors Volume 2) by Roxy Wilson #bookspotlight #newrelease #bbw


Buy it now!

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Cover Reveal ~ Blood Bewitched (The Progeny Series, #5) by Ashlynne Laynne


“Nothing in life is a coincidence.”

Forces are aligning in Shauna Rousseau’s life. A gifted Wiccan warrior and unique true half-blooded vampire, she is fate personified with an incredible destiny to fulfill. The ultimate war between good and evil is brewing, a revolution that will change our world forever.

Sides are being chosen, but Shauna has some unfinished family business. With her siblings and husband by her side, the pregnant newborn travels to Louisiana to shake her family tree. Lies are uncovered that will irrevocably damage the siblings’ lives.

Everyone has a past. It’s time for Shauna Rousseau to face hers.

Other Novels of The Progeny Series

The Progeny (Book 1)
Blood Bonds (Book 2)
Blood Promise (Book 3)
Blood Reborn (Book 4)
Yearning: A Blood Reborn Novel (Book 4.5)

About The Progeny Series

At its core, The Progeny Series is simply about a man and woman who fall in love. The fact that he’s a half-blood (half-human, half vampire) and she’s a Wiccan human are secondary factors. This series encompasses a family dynamic of which we’ve never seen.

The Rousseaus share a common mortal and immortal bloodline, but loyalty is the thread binding this vampire clan. Shauna and Ascher’s dissuaded love only strengthens the family bonds. Their unique union transcends bloodlines and completes the prophecy, defying the beliefs of centuries old covenants while shattering the wall between the Wiccan and vampire worlds that have existed for ages.

This series is erotic paranormal romance intended for adults and contains strong sexual content, adult sensuality, language and themes.

About Ashlynne Laynne

Ashlynne Layne is an award winning songwriter, poet, and author of erotic paranormal and contemporary romance. She’s always had a soft spot in her heart for vampires but grew tired of the garlic fearing, sun-loathing night stalkers of old. An avid horror movie fan, she tends to enjoy media and music of a younger, more eclectic nature. This was the catalyst for her writing The Progeny.

Ashlynne loves writing on the edge—combining the erotica and romance genres—and thinks of Ascher and Shauna as the wicked, damned version of Romeo and Juliet. She is currently working on books six and seven of her Progeny Series, book one of her upcoming Alterity Series, and a novella spin off. In her spare time, she enjoys cooking, reading, and spending time with her family. She juggles the hats of wife, mother, full time employee and part-time writer, hoping to write exclusively one day soon.

She lives in the Carolinas with her husband and son.

More about Ashlynne
Zodiac: Leo
Favorite Music Genres: Alt Rock, 90’s Grunge, Pop
Favorite Musical Acts: Maroon 5, Rihanna, Lil Wayne, Bruno Mars, Jay-Z, Beyoncé, Imagine Dragons, Florida Georgia Line, Adele, Rob Zombie, Robin Thicke, Kings of Leon, Coldplay, Drake, Justin Timberlake
Favorite Movie Genre: Horror
Favorite Color: Pink
Favorite Authors: Stephen King, Anne Rice
Foods: Yogurt, Chocolate Milk, Chicken Alfredo

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